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The much talked-about  Value Added Tax and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012  has finally supposed to be implemented in FY 2019-2020. If anyone wants to do or operate any business in Bangladesh, he, she or any entity must receive the Electronic Business Identification Number (e-BIN) from  National Board of Revenue(NBR) according to the  Value Added Tax  and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 and the Value Added Tax and Supplementary Duty Ordinance, 2016. It is also called VAT registration certificate. VAT registration and Business Identification Number is a must to continue normal business operation including manufacturer, service rendering, withholding entities, participation in tender, banking activities and export and import. Customs, VAT and Excise Department of the National Board of Revenue (NBR) regulate the  VAT registration process .

What We Do

  • Submitting online application with proper way by attaching required documents appropriately.
  • Passing the ARO’s (Assistant Revenue Officer) field audit report regarding with VAT application.
  •  Frequently Visiting VAT Office, Processing, Completing and Receiving e-BIN certificate, Printing and providing same to respected clients.


Required Documents List for VAT Registration / Update / Opening e-BIN

  1. Authentic Cell Number
  2.  Authentic e-mail Address
  3.  Company Address:
    1. As per Trade License 
    2. Operational 
  4. Number of employees 
  5. Turnover Information: 
    1. Company last year transaction 
    2. Next One-year approximate transaction 
  6. Major Area of Economic Activity 
  7. If Manufacturer: 
    1. Input-Output Information
    2. Layout Plan equipment
    3. List of Machinery & equipment
  8.  Last e-BIN (9 Digit/11Digit) 
  9. Import Registration License (If Necessary) (Import item list with HS (Harmonic System) Code) 
  10. Export registration License (If Necessary) 
  11. Trade License
  12.  All Bank Statement (Last One year) 
  13. Company Tax Identification Number (E-TIN
  14. All Directors NID/Passport
  15. MOA, AOA & Incorporation Certificate
  16.  Authorized persons Details (Who will maintain the online e-BIN services):
    1. NID 
    2. Cell Number
    3. E-mail
    4. Designation
  17.  Any Other Documents if Necessary.


***We are committed to provide the best services to our respected clients. Please feel free to ask any queries.***


Business Identification Number (BIN)