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Bangladesh Investment
Development Authority (BIDA)

A foreign investor is prerequisite to be registered with BIDA. It is essential to obtain many licenses and permits from BIDA to do business in Bangladesh.

Such as: (a) to open a Branch Office (b) to open a Liaison or Representative Office (c) to Establish a Factory or Industry (d) to Incorporate a 100% Foreign Own Limited Company (e) to Incorporate Joint Venture Company (f) to provide work permit for foreigners (g) Import Registration Certificate (h) Export Registration Certificate and Bond License etc.

The BIDA registration is also required for gaining industrial plot in the Special Economic Zone. The investor needs to collect the application form from BIDA and submit the filled up form along with supportive documents to the respective department of BIDA. We are here to help you. 

More About BIDA

What is BIDA?

Bangladesh Investment Development Authority also known as BIDA is the governmental agency which promotes private investment and facilitation in Bangladesh. The agency was set-up by the BIDA Act 2016, to promote, accelerate and simplify industrial development by attracting Foreign Direct Investment.

Key Functions of BIDA

Investment Promotion:

BIDA is responsible for enticing of FDI for the development of the country.

Local Support:

BIDA is liable to provide comprehensive local supports which are necessary for foreign investor.

Post Establishment Services:

The agency provide strategic and inclusive support after the establishment of FDI is complete.

Extensive Experience:

BIDA has extensive experiences in investment sectors and its lend its experience and knowledge to investors.


Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)