Who are Required to be Registered for VAT in Bangladesh

Persons required to be registered for VAT
According to the Section No. – 04 of Value Added Tax and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 following persons are required to be registered for VAT in Bangladesh:
(1) Irrespective of any central, or branch unit, each of the following persons shall, from the first day of a month, be required to be registered for VAT, namely—
(a) a person whose turnover exceeds the registration threshold within a 12 (twelve)- month-period closing at the end of the month preceding that month; or
(b) a person whose estimated turnover exceeds the registration threshold within the succeeding 12 (twelve)- month-period beginning at the start of the start of the preceding month.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), every person carrying on the following economic activities of—
Has to be registered for VAT, if he—
(a) manufactures any good subject to supplementary duty in Bangladesh; or
(b) supplies any service subject to supplementary in Bangladesh;
Source: www.nbr.gov.bd