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Who are Required to be Registered for VAT in Bangladesh

Who are Required to be Registered for VAT in Bangladesh Feature Image

Persons required to be registered for VAT

According to the Section No. – 04 of Value Added Tax and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 following persons are required to be registered for VAT in Bangladesh:

(1) Irrespective of any central, or branch unit, each of the following persons shall, from the first day of a month, be required to be registered for VAT, namely—

     (a) a person whose turnover exceeds the registration threshold within a 12 (twelve)- month-period closing at the end of the month preceding that month; or

     (b) a person whose estimated turnover exceeds the registration threshold within the succeeding 12 (twelve)- month-period beginning at the start of the start of the preceding month.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), every person carrying on the following economic activities of—
Has to be registered for VAT, if he—
     (a) manufactures any good subject to supplementary duty in Bangladesh; or

     (b) supplies any service subject to supplementary in Bangladesh;

Source: www.nbr.gov.bd